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Complaints Policy



We aim to provide the highest standard of care in all our services. Our service users’ views are hugely important to us and help to ensure our services are consistently meeting people’s needs. However, if you are unhappy with any of our services, it is important you let us know. If a complaint alerts us to possible abuse or neglect, we would inform the council’s Adult Safeguarding Team immediately. They will decide how best to investigate further and monitor all outcomes.



Making a suggestion

Often, people feel more comfortable suggesting improvements, than complaining formally. Suggestions can be made by anyone receiving services from us, or from their friends and family. To make a suggestion, you can:
• Speak to the manager or their deputy
• Utilise available comments or suggestion boxes
• If the suggestion is something that requires head office consideration, you can send it to:
Registered Manager



Making a complaint

We aim to handle complaints quickly, effectively and in a fair and honest way. We take complaints very seriously indeed and use information from investigating them to help us improve the services we provide. Complaints are always treated in confidence. ENA CARE GROUP LIMITED assures users and their families that services would never be affected by someone making a complaint in good faith.



Who can complain

Anyone affected by the way ENA CARE GROUP LIMITED provides services can make a complaint. A representative can make a complaint for the affected person if they:
• Have died
• Cannot make a complaint themselves, or
• Have given consent for the representative to act on their behalf

If you are not happy about making a complaint yourself, and you do not have someone who can talk or write to us on your behalf, we will be happy to find someone from an independent organisation to act as an advocate for you.



How you can make a complaint

You can complain:
• In person
• By telephone
• Through a member of our staff
• Through an advocate or representative

Where someone complains verbally, we will make a written record and provide a copy of it within 2 working days:
• By letter
• By email



Anonymous complaints

We deal with anonymous complaints using the same procedure as above. However, it should be noted, only if you provide contact details are we able to update you on the outcome of our investigation.




The registered manager has overall responsibility for dealing with all complaints made about our services. We will provide, as far as is reasonably practical:
• Any help you might need to understand the complaints procedure
• Advice on where you may find such help
• Easy-to-understand information about making a complaint



How we handle complaints

The registered manager or ENA CARE GROUP LIMITED may ask one of the management team to investigate the complaint. That person will have enough seniority and experience to deal with the issues raised. Complaints will be acknowledged within 2 working days and you will be given the name and contact details of the person investigating it. We will keep you informed about the progress of the investigation and aim to have it resolved within 28 working days, unless otherwise agreed.
Upon completion of the investigation, we will arrange to meet with you and confirm in writing:
• Details of the findings
• Any action we have taken
• Our proposals to resolve your complaint



Time limits

You should complain as soon as you can after the date on which the event occurred or came to your notice. If you complain more than 12 months later, it can be more difficult to investigate properly. However, we will consider whether you had a good reason for not making the complaint sooner and whether, despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.



Further steps

At any stage during the process, if you are not happy with the way the service is dealing with your complaint, you can contact the Registered Manager at:


Once we have dealt with your complaint, and if you are not happy with the outcome, you may refer your complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman yo ask for it to be reviewed. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman provides a free, independent service.
You can contact them at:
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
Coventry CV4 0EH
Tel: 0845 602 1983 or 024 7682 1960
Fax: 024 7682 0001 

NB: The Ombudsman will not normally investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters directly.


ENA CARE GROUP LIMITED services are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission. The CQC does not investigate individual complaints about providers but is happy to receive information about services at any time.
You can contact the CQC at:
Care Quality Commission National Correspondence
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
National Correspondence
Citygate, Gallowgate
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA
Tel: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171


We can provide this policy in other languages or in other formats upon request.

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